American Sign Language Receptive Skills Test


boy signing

The American Sign Language Receptive Skills Test (ASL RST) is a developmental assessment for children, aged 3 to 13 years, learning ASL. It measures children’s understanding of ASL grammar, including number/distribution, negation, non/verb distinction, spatial verbs (location and movement), size/shape specifiers, handling classifiers, role shift, and conditionals.

The ASL RST consists of a vocabulary check of 20 words, 3 practice items, and a total of 42 test items, and takes approximately 10 – 15 minutes to administer.

The ASL RST Package Includes

The Test Manual (including the reproducible Score Sheet); a USB (with all video and picture test stimuli); a set of 20 picture cards (for the Vocabulary Check); and a plastic carrying case.

ASL RST Research Articles

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Attention United States Customers

Language First is the US distributor for the ASL Receptive Skills Test.
Please visit their website to purchase the test with US funds and/or purchase orders.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we accept purchase orders. Please contact us by email (see Contact section) for details.

Yes, although there are no set qualifications specifically for this test, it is expected that examiners are professionals (teachers, language speciallists, therapists, etc.) who are familiar with test procedures and have experience working with deaf children who use ASL to communicate. FLuency in ASL is not required, but basic communication skills in ASL are minimally needed.

  • computer (with USB port)
  • copy of the score sheet
  • pen or pencil (for examiner to mark score sheet)

The test should be administered where the child can sit comfortably and watch the video in a room that is free from distractions.

The test will provide you with a standard score of the child’s receptive skills in ASL, or whether the child can understand ASL at an appropriate level for his/her age (in comparison to a sample of children normally acquiring ASL). The test also identifies the pattern of correct and incorrect responses regarding specific grammatical structures, thereby indicating strengths and weaknesses in the child’s comprehension of ASL.

The test is for children aged 3 to 13 years of age.

Yes you can use the test with children older than 13 years, but you will not be able to calculate a “standard score” for these students ( there is no normative data above age 13 years, so you can’t compare their score to other children the same age). You may be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses in terms of comprehending ASL grammar, which can help with programming and instruction.

No, the test is designed to be given individually, with the examiner working one-to-one with each child. Once you purchase the test, however, you can use the materials with as many children as needed. So you can test a group of students, but you have to do it one student at a time.

The test can be completed in 15 minutes.

It is possible to take a break during the test. The test should be completed later the same day or the next day and definitely within one week.

Although it can be repeated every 6 months, it is recommended that each child is only tested once per year.

Yes. I f a child has movement difficulties and is unable to point to the pictures/screen to indicate his/her response, alternate methods of responding can be established with the examiner prior to beginning the test. These may include eye gaze, scanning, using a pointer, or whatever is appropriate for that child. There is no time limit in responding to test items, so the child should not be pressured to indicate his/her response quickly.

Yes. The examiner should document any learning difficulties in the child’s background information section, and monitor behaviour (attention, distractibility, etc.) carefully during testing, but these difficulties should not prevent the child from taking the test. In fact, it is often very helpful to learn more about children’s ASL abilities to determine the teaching and learning strategies that are most appropriate for them.

Yes. Prior to beginning the test, the examiner will need to document the child’s visual difficulties in the background information section and also check to ensure the child is able to visually access the test materials (pictures, videos). There are several “practice items” on the test that can be used to adjust the size of the picture/screen, distance from the screen, etc., to determine the child’s ability to see the stimuli before starting the test. If the child is not able to adequately see the materials, the test should not be administered.

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Attention United States Customers

Language First is the US distributor for the ASL Receptive Skills Test.
Please visit their website to purchase the test with US funds and/or purchase orders.

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